Release the Memos

You want the truth America? All Americans want the truth. In fact, it's best to confess or else you fall victim to speculation. You fall victim to magazines that right articles based on possibilities. Gonzales wants to get through and become the first Hispanic attorney general. Okay, but there's more. There are some controversial memos that he is involved in that the government is holding back so that he passes through and becomes attorney general. I won't sit for this and there are 44 Democrats who won't either. While not a majority, the Democrats will definitely filibuster if good reason exists. It's one tool for saving America. Now I draw your attention to Miguel Estrada who failed to gain his position due to some memos that he did not disclose. Nominated in May 2001 for a lifetime seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, he also got caught up in a memo struggle with Democrats. They wanted copies of memos Estrada wrote while working for the solicitor general's office at the Justice Department, saying those documents would reveal how Estrada thinks. The Justice Department refused to release them. Should Gonzales' memos be kept secret I doubt he makes it especially since he'd be setting a precedent if he became attorney general. There are some very questionable Bush policies that have risen from the way we do thing after 9/11. It's in Gonzales' best interest to release the memos.