The Fear Is Evident

Powerless. It is the feeling that, no doubt, every left-leaning person in America has felt every now and then for the past months or so. They feel like things are out of their control and like an evil force may have taken over for good. This evil would be the Republicans. Their leader George W. Bush, who came to power in 2000, has been a menace to the Left. (That's not to say that he hasn't done wrong things to the people of America.) George W. Bush has been the subject of many books aimed to deface who he is. These books are stunning and the information in them is enough to make anyone wonder why the hell he is President of the United States. Americans are duped. 51% believe that he is "okay" as proven by the 2004 election. And in America, majority rules.
With the recent step down of Justice O'Connor, the liberals came out right away looking like they needed to save themselves before the Right got another victory (O'Connor replaced with a conservative judge). Their words, in my opinion, make them seem weak. Here are just some of the sentiments that were echoed:
That next fight arrived today, when Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement. -Nancy Pelosi
She offered a list of what Republicans want to do:
- turn back the clock on women's rights
- overturn Roe v. Wade
- eliminate evolution from school textbooks
- intrude into your family's private life and medical decisions
- decrease funding for programs that protect the public and the environment
- benefit big business and special interest groups
Early this morning Sandra Day O'Connor stepped down from the Supreme Court, leaving the first open seat in more than 10 years. As a moderate Justice, she helped protect our rights for decades. With Bush likely to nominate a replacement in a matter of hours or days, our most basic rights and freedoms are suddenly very much up for grabs.
John Kerry weighed in
Here's our bottom line for the community heading into the holiday weekend: we can never let her be replaced by a Justice who does not respect the right to privacy and Roe v. Wade, and who doesn't understand the freedoms protected in our Constitution.
The Civil Liberties groups (HRC, ACLU) had something to say. HRC was afraid that the future for GLBT people could go downhill, saying:
Justice O'Connor's retirement is a clarion call to every American that our rights are in grave danger - HRC President Joe Solmonese
The next Supreme Court Justices could help reverse and even eliminate some of the most important protections currently secured for GLBT Americans--and halt the progress on those we haven't yet secured.
The uncontrollable ACLU said:
We are at a defining moment for civil liberties and freedom in America. -Anthony Romero, Executive Director
We are definitely at a defining moment. But every one of these messages make you feel like the world is going to collapse and Armageddon will come each time something new goes in favor of Republicans. I am not saying I am in favor of Republicans. I am saying that Democrats are making themselves out to be way too vulnerable especially because the only messages they send to their "constituents" or the people of America have to do with how they won't raise enough money (no surprise-the majority of corporation $ goes to the Right) and how all progress made has been rewound. Yet, nobody really knows what this progress was. It all comes out as whining. And the favorite phrase of the Right, "liberal whiners", becomes a weapon to be used against the Left. It will continue to do its damage as long as Democrats talk with desperation and weakness in their letters to Americans.