The World Is Counting On You

The world is counting on 8 men to pull through (yes, I know there are more than 8 men in the picture). Now what is the likelihood that these men will come through? Well, I've looked into the possibilities, made some judgments, and here is how I think this will play out:
Chirac - I found an article on FOX News that showed that France had accused Washington, D.C. of obstructing a worldwide campaign to eradicate poverty. When he made this statement, he was already at odds with America for the War in Iraq. In many cases, I think Chirac could become more interested in the Scottish food at the summit than making poverty history since he likes international food so much. He did propose a global tax plan to raise foreign aid. But still, there is a problem with that. The U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Venemen shut him down saying, "A global tax is inherently undemocratic." With that, I think Chirac could come through as long as America doesn't frustrate him too much while at the conference.
Schroeder- Schroeder is a great bet. I expect this man to be behind this all the way. After all, it was in the news that he would be meeting with Geldof and Bono in Scotland before the summit. He greatly pleased Bono a while back when he joined Blair and Chirac in support of a proposal. I believe that proposal was the International Finance Facility (IFF), which was a proposal meant to get additional money for aid on international markets. In some way, this was to help Africa. Whether it did or not, I do not know.
Berlusconi - On May 27, 2005, Blair won Berlusconi's support over his plans to tackle poverty in Africa. Of course, Berlusconi has to remember that Luciano Pavarotti held a concert and used his stardom in Italy to bring notice to this cause. Therefore, I think the likelihood that he will be behind this measure is good. The problem is Italy's economic well-being. They may not be able to put that much money behind any agreement met.
Koizumi - Perhaps it's best that I just refer you to this link. Click Here. After you read the headline to that, you'd expect Japan to be behind this. Well, I haven't got the time to research their economy and evaluate the possibilities like an expert. But logically, if they have come out before in front of the world and pledged money, why wouldn't they now? Japan's leader definitely can back an agreement but will he? Let's hope so.
Blair - I found more on Brown, Britain's Finance Minister, than Blair. If he follows Brown, Blair will come through. Brown has been saying that 2005 is not just a year to move forward but also one where action actually should happen. Brown has mentioned that a big problem is the lack of global political will. Blair has been trying to get the 8 men attending this summit behind a proposal to get about 50 billion in aid by 2015. I see no reason for Blair to not support the idea of making poverty history in Africa.
Bush - Hmm... I must start off saying that there is a chance that Bush just may not be able to come through. It just may not be feasible to expect it. For one, a goal of donating 0.7% income on this aid was set and it was to be set to be in by 2015. Bush only pledged 0.16% by 2015, which is strikingly low and falls short of 0.7% by 0.54%. Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands have bypassed expectations pledging up to .15 percent more than expected. I would like to see Bush pledge more and I know America can pledge more. If we can spread democracy for the good of mankind, why can't we fight poverty for the good of mankind? Well, the thing is Bush knows there's no way to make money off of fighting poverty. In war, he and his colleagues were able to make money. Also, the money that could be used in Africa is tied up in wars being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. While he has a proposal that emphasizes Christian morality and sexual abstinence, it may not be employed or fully supported by the American government because of its preoccupation with other matters. I hope that the other 7 men win him over because when he's alone, I can only imagine him doubting the success of this fight. And Bush never loses (See 2000 and 2004 election.)
Martin - Canada has played an amazing role in the fight against AIDS. Canada is the first country in the world to implement the August 30, 2003, decision of the World Trade Organization to make less expensive versions of medicines available to countries facing public health problems. is all about the fight against AIDS as that is much of the cause of poverty in Africa. From this, I expect to see Paul Martin working towards an agreement. And I am sure what Canada can give will be given by the Canadian government and people.
Putin - Russia is so unpredictable with Putin as their leader. While they got behind Blair's proposal, that isn't enough to convince me. They ratified the Kyoto Protocol but it is known that if this slows economic growth than they will most likely back out. This tells me that Putin isn't one to stay committed. In Russia, anything can happen. I don't know what Putin has planned for Russia's future. Once I heard that they were possibly going back to communism. Russia is not that well-off and I just don't know how much we can realistically expect from Putin.
With those predictions, I expect at least 5 of the 8 to walk in ready to make something happen. I expect at least 5 of the 8 to be ready to make a change and to have something ready to put in to place when the three days are up. And I expect those 5 to get the other 3 behind a plan through peer pressure. Now is the time. The Live 8 concerts have the world energized and people rallying to the cause. Violent protests are going on for anti-poverty because the world doubts these 8 men despite the pledges made. Calm the world down and get the job done. 30,000 people are dying each day. Don't allow this crisis to continue.