The Free Press Cowers

I conducted a search through a recent story that just broke confirming the allegations that prisoner abuse has occurred in Gitmo. The story also confirms that the Koran was indeed desecrated. My search came up with these results: Some newspapers or news agencies chose to cover a side of the story where they talked about a general commander not losing his job. The way they present their story makes it seem like nothing happened and that the general getting to keep his job is a good thing. The other way that the story was being presented bluntly said that prisoner abuse was happening or said that the US balked at terminating the commander largely responsible for the abuse. This is the brave way of reporting the truth in that it points the finger at the U.S. government saying they are undoubtedly responsible. The first way is cowardly in my opinion. I composed a list and divided it in two between the brave reporters and the cowardly reporters. What I found is stunning but not necessarily surprising.
Australian News
Bangkok Post
Al Jazeera
Ireland Online
Age (out of Australia)
Boston Globe*
OCRegister, CA*
Macon Telegraph, GA*
Malaysia Star
Montgomery Journal, MD*
Billings Gazette, MT*
Sacramento Bee*
Scotland on Sunday, UK
Washington Post
Chicago Sun-Times
San Diego Union Tribune
CBC News, Canada
New York Times
Wired News
LA Times
Times Picayune
FOX News
San Francisco Chronicle
Guardian Unlimited
USA Today
Arizona Daily Sun
Marine Corps Times
Penn Live, PA
Buffalo News, NY
Ft. Worth Star Telegram
Salt Lake Tribune
Los Angeles Daily News
Albany Times Union, NY
The ones with asterisks near them are members of the free press who have proven to me that they are not afraid to exercise their power in the U.S. and report the truth to Americans. Many of them are from California. The remaining ones on the BRAVE list are in other countries outside of the U.S. What they say won't be heard by most Americans but is the truth. This also provides a window into the idea of a "liberal media". If a "liberal media" exists, why aren't they taking this opportunity to expose the Bush administration?
Truth is, the Bush administration has gotten the free press to not break stories that could otherwise hurt them. The ones that do break the truth are deemed to be "liberally biased". This way the administration never has to take responsibility for its actions.
(To confirm my results, type in "Carl Levin" in the Google News search bar. Go through the results. Carl Levin is the man saying that abuse has been uncovered. Many of the stories are choosing not to report this in their headline and only briefly mention it at the end of their article. They are the cowards who are afraid to be truthful about the Bush administration.)