I'm just a regular U.S. citizen, but I have experienced terrorist attacks on my country before (Sept. 11th). This bares a resemblance to the Sept. 11th attacks in that it was meant to disrupt life in the city. How are the people of London going to travel? Where do they go now while the city officials work things out? That's just one of the many questions I have. As information comes out and as I watch FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, a few local networks, and also check Google for news alerts, I just have a flood of questions that come to mind that are a result of this event.
We have to put everything into perspective and just look at all the events going on with London. London just gained the right to host the Olympics in 2012. They beat out Paris but Paris was expecting it. Could this be an attack from some French people who were upset and now want to show that the town is not safe enough to host the Olympics?

What is with this "cell phone video" that I keep seeing? There is nothing to be seen. I am frustrated because I am expecting to see something. But all I see is some broken glass and very little damage mostly because this person is unable to move and must stay in one spot. The camera is not steady and it is shaking all over the place. Instead of investigative reporting, networks are looping this awful video clip over and over again. It'd be much better if they just kept SKY News or a network from London on the air.
What goes through the minds of these news reporters? Why are reporters giving a report every minute on the location of Blair? Do these reporters realize that terrorist attacks just occurred? While it would have to be a spur of the moment, I don't doubt the capability of the terrorists to look at this video, go to a location where Blair would be, and then assassinate him. This happened with Cheney and if memory serves, George W. Bush right after the Sept. 11th attacks. A simple report that the leaders of the country being attacked are indeed safe is plenty. I don't want live footage of a world leader to be on the air after an attack because I think it would be too easy for the terrorists, if they wanted, to just take part in a spur of the moment attack.
This story continues to unfold and the questions continue to come to me. Dumb or stupid, when attacks like these take place, you question your safety in life. You question the people of the world's safety in life. And you question the safety of all the world leaders. But I don't think we have anything to worry about. The world leaders are probably safer in Scotland Yard than if they would travel back to their homelands.
With Blair gone from the summit, there's another question. Did the terrorists plan to pull Blair away from the summit? Is there something he brings to the table that other leaders do not? He was championing a proposal and searching for people to back it. This proposal had to do with making poverty history. So how could a group of people be so evil that they wouldn't want to improve humanity?

It's particularly barbaric that this has happened on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of poverty in Africa and the long-term problems of climate change in the environment.
Just as it is reasonably clear that this is a terrorist attack, or a series of terrorist attacks, it's also reasonably clear that it is designed and aimed to coincide with the opening of the G-8.
Those are the words of Blair. They reflect a feeling that has to be common in the mind's of people right now. Why would people attack humanity on a day that people are trying to improve humanity?