Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Voting Trauma

CPR maybe necessary for the voting system in...New Jersey? Florida has its problems but apparently so does New Jersey. A lawsuit as been filed saying that the electronic voting machines that are currently used are unreliable and 'prone to manipulation'.

Here's the full article:,0,1031573.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire

Recounts are fine except with the media, we're bound to run into a roadblock.

It's a BOMB!!!

Nope just kidding...Just an ordinary Bible.


Policy Is the Key

"Kerry is raising the nagging questions: By going after Iraq, did we drop the ball on Osama bin Laden? By focusing on Iraq, did we allow Iran and North Korea to become more dangerous?" says Georgetown's Mr. Kupchan. "To which Bush is responding, 'I can walk and chew gum: We removed the threat from Iraq, and at the same time we are dealing with Iran and North Korea.' "

Here's the full article containing the quote:

I think the election does come down to how each candidate will handle our security. That's a core issue right now and one that many Americans are concerned about.