Last Minute Words for 2004
I am ready to move into 2005. As I move in, I want to remember this year. Here are some things that come to mind:
Friends left the air along with Frasier
Michael Moore had a success with Fahrenheit 9/11
Mel Gibson had great success with Passions of the Christ
It was an election year and the campaigns between Kerry and Bush were heated but Kerry ended up losing and Bush held his own
Iraq continues to be a bloody struggle
Eyes are on Iran, N. Korea, and China
Middle East has many problems what with all the terrorism
Republicans win more "capital"
Vote for Change Tour and Air America
Vote Or Die! and Choose or Lose
There are the main points that I think define America this past year. As we head out of the year, we hope that Asia can recover and we hope that everyone will donate some money to help fix the mess that occurred from one of the worst natural disasters in the world's history.
To everyone, Happy New Year!