Thursday, October 14, 2004

Debatable Topic

There's so much to be said on the idea of separation of church and state. I go back and forth with people on it many times. It's hard to agree exactly because your idea of separation of church and state is usually different from another's. My view of it is one that is centered on preventing discrimination. That's why it's in place. Our founding fathers did not want to make a decision that hurt any religious denomination. I believe it should be the same way now. There were divisions in America when our founding fathers created our government, but not as widespread as they are today. I standby my reasoning that Bush could endanger America in the way he flaunts his faith. Wearing it on his sleeve is a bad thing. To me it's like, Osama...I dare ya! What Osama wants is us to leave is land because we have impeded on his faith. It's a holy war because we disagree with some of the customs that they practice under their Islamic faith.


At 11:37 AM, Blogger JasonH said...

I appreciate a president that isn't afraid to express his faith. If you believe in God, then faith should be the central driving force in your life. If you are Christian, like 70% of people in the country claim to be, the bible says you must be faithful, and you must show it.

Simply showing your faith, does not mean you impose it on others.


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