Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Why the Sunni Man Didn't Vote?

It's hard to believe that anyone in Iraq would not vote or attempt to vote in the first election. This is the future of your country. And it just makes sense you know...If I want to have a good government, I should vote or else I will most likely get stuck with people running my country that I don't like. I mean, even Sunnis would vote just so they could make sure they don't get neglected. Right? Wrong. But it's not like Sunnis were boycotting. Some were but let's not let the Right-Wing Alliance pound the living shit out of this.

Like most of what happens, when the U.S. is involved now in elections, things don't go right. The Iraqi interim president is saying people ran out of ballots and that includes people in the Sunni Arab areas. The people that were expected to not vote wanted to vote. The Sunnis from Mosul are the ones who are saying all of this happened. One reason for not enough ballots was the fact that security looked like it would be an issue so a limited amount of ballots were at the polling station. This makes no sense to me since the entire country of Iraq was under a security threat. So it looks like before government even gets started, we see factions getting the short end of the stick.

Welcome to democracy Iraq!


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