Pam for PETA

I do not like PETA, the animal rights' group, because they are too far out. I have a general respect for animals. I promise not to torture animals or harm them unnecessarily. I just can't see not eating animals, which is a sentiment many of these animal rights' groups take.
PETA has come to South Bend, Indiana (Notre Dame area) hoping to get a billboard up with Pamela Anderson on it. However, Burkhart advertising, the company in charge of ads on billboards, has said "no" to Pam. The billboard shows Pam next to the words "Boycott KFC--Live Scalding, Painful Debeaking, Crippled Chickens." (Granted, this may be so...but I am American and even Super Size Me couldn't get me to stop loving fast food. I definitely won't give up KFC chicken.) Burkhart doesn't want to attack KFC so it can continue to get business from them. More importantly (and the best part of all this) is the fact that the Executive Vice President of the advertising company is quoted saying, "We are a woman-owned business and we don't support exploitation of the female form."
I read more. The animals were treated unfairly and this is a legit ad. But PETA picked Pam. PETA is already controversial and Pam only makes it worse. Adding boobs may get people to notice the ad, but it won't get people to take PETA seriously.
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