Dems and Their Plan
Nobody can get away from hearing about the Democratic party's new plan. Actually, it's not new. Democrats have veered off track in the past years. The plan holds "guidelines" (if you want to call it that) for improving the future of the Democratic party that have been used widely before to get votes or gain support. took one man whose become famous for screaming to catch their attention and make them shape up. Logically, it sounds like it was to be expected that a fiery personality like Dean's would catch people's attention. With that and Reid's "War Room", the party should be thriving in the next 4 years. Maybe.
Here's a link to the plan if you want to see it: Dems Plan
~LOL, let's talk about having a plan...Bush had no plan for Iraq, other than duping the public into his lies about whay we needed to start a war, then a lack of planning to "win" the war, underestimating the time and matrials needed to be there, then there's the shortsighted and fiscally irresponsible planning on the economy, and tax xuts for the wealthy that are creating huge deficits, not a lot of planning there either, or the lack of any energy plan other than Cheney inviting wealthy energy company owners into the White house to plan for their benefit, another lack in planning, or the lack of planning and preperation when it came to the attachs on 9/1, or the lack of planning on what to do with our international, I'd rahther have a person in charge with fire, passion, INTELLIGENCE (which Bush sorely lacks), and the ability to swell the grassroots effort it's gonna take to erase the robotic mindset the current admin. has on the people of America, all the while Bush erodes State's right and undermines our freedoms by ruling out of fear, that's not good planning on how to be President either...Oh, and Dean can speak in complete sentences, not sound bytes, something Bush has yet to do...~
btezra, thanks for leaving your comment. I see my post made you laugh. I was taking shots at the Democratic party but I don't hate Democrats even if it sounds like I do. There are so many things wrong with the Bush administration. I support Dean and would support Dean over George W. Bush any day. Despite how it reads, I am pulling for the Democrats to win in '08.
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