Sunday, December 26, 2004

A Nonlethal Weapons Handbook

In 1997 our government produced a nonlethal weapons handbook for special operations. They later removed it but through the Freedom of Information Act this handbook has been posted on the web for the public to read. It's 97 pages about what people could use other than lethal weapons. No doubt, with the 9/11 attacks our government feels that this handbook should be kept from the public. Well, sorry...if you don't want the public to know what the government is up to, think again. Because my government does not keep secrets from me and get away with it. That is why I love the Freedom of Information Act so much.

The nonlethal weapons are divided into categories: acoustics, acoustics & opticals, antilethals, antiplant agents, barriers, batons, biotechnicals, electricals, electromagnetics, entanglers, holograms, markers, five concepts of nonlethal weapons: ethical, functional, operational, physiological, and theoretical.

This handbook is extensive but for anyone that enjoys something new and interesting I guarantee this to be worth cycling through.


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