Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Democrats Blame Bush for Vaccine Shortage

"If you can't get flu vaccines to Americans how are you going to protect them against bioterrorism?" Kerry said in an NPR News interview. "If you can't get flu vaccines to Americans, what kind of health care program (are) you running?"

"To make sure Social Security is around when our children grow up, we must allow younger workers to save some of their own payroll taxes in a personal savings account that earns better interest, a personal savings account they call their own and an account the government cannot take away," Bush said.

"I will not privatize Social Security. I will not cut benefits. I will not raise the retirement age," Kerry said. "Because when you've worked hard for a lifetime, America owes you what you've earned."

I don't think this is a good way to go at Bush. He already is so vulnerable, why would you want to speculate that he is the reason for a flu vaccine shortage? What the Kerry campaign is saying is an assumption that is thoroughly convincing. Conventional wisdom would lead you to believe that Bush had the capability of making an error like this. I'm going to give Bush some credit on this one. He recognizes that the flu vaccine needs to be better regulated. People in America are abusing the flu shot and using it when they don't really need it. I think the Democrats should leave Bush alone when it comes to flu vaccines.

(The extra quotes are for you to read and think whatever you want. I found them in the same article that talked about Kerry's stance on the flu vaccine shortage.)


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