Thursday, March 03, 2005

Private Accounts Not a Bonanza for Wall Street deserves credit for the work that they do. They are out with a new report on false claims being made in ads supported by liberals. This saddens me. At a time when Democrats could look better than Republicans, stupidity like this ruins chances of looking good. There is a chance the public will not have any idea that liberals are making false claims. For some reason, I find that highly unlikely and attribute my feelings to the the idea that more Americans are following politics than 5 years ago. This number of people increases each day. Also, the Democrats have no plan and are content (so it seems) with attacking the Republicans for what changes they support. If Democrats want to gain an edge, they need to get behind a plan or else become united behind the idea that Social Security should not be altered right now.

Instead of writing about the article, I want you to visit and read it for yourself.
No Bonanza for Wall Street


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