Saturday, October 09, 2004

Truth Squads

News alerts, internet websites, and many of the books that have been released recently have led me to believe that there are things escaping the eyes of the American people. There are stories that people aren't reading that are important. There are stories that people would generally be turned off by because they seem like they belong in publications like the National Enquirer. However, these are real and factual stories that can be obtained on newsstands or on news websites. There are also stories out there that the government does not want you to read. I feel that all information should be free to the people of America at some point. I have started this site to post stories that I find aren't getting the attention needed.

Possibly, I posted the address for this blog on your blog because I felt you might like to join this website and post stories on this site along with me. My goal is to involve people all over the country who are interested in keeping up to date on politics and current events. The American people must exercise their right to voicing their opinion(s). In voicing your opinion(s) and staying up to date on current events and politics, you are doing your duty as an American. Please, I encourage you to email me at so that a community of people across the nation can be created. I encourage you to keep in contact with people around the country so that you can get a true idea of how our nation is doing each day. The people of America are smarter than the media, and if you join, I guarantee you will benefit from posting and reading material here on this website.


At 10:07 AM, Blogger Logical Judgement said...

Thank you for commenting on my site and for inviting me here. I think it's very important for Americans and every person in the world to be at least cognizant of what is happening in both their country and abroad. I wish you success.. if there is a medium where people can voice their opinions en masse, it is blogging. I will be reading your blog, posting comments if I can! :) Thanks again for contacting me.

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Logical Judgement said...

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At 11:01 AM, Blogger Logical Judgement said...

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